Have you ever seen a trashy anime and realized that the romance aspect is the least problematic thing about it? Yeah, Mato Seihei No Slave is deranged enough where I don’t care who Yuuki Wakura end up with, I kind of just want him out of that situation. Because for all the ‘waifus’ this Harem slash Isekai Dark Fantasy has? All of them are pretty much the worst. And I can’t, in good conscience, work with that.
Okay so, considering the series is still ongoing, we don’t have a confirmed relationship for the protagonist. However, it’s pretty clear that Yuuki Wakura is going to end up with Kyouka Uzen, the Chief of the 7th Unit in the Anti-Demon Corps. After all, she is the one who tied Yuuki to herself as a slave, and is effectively his master. Yuuki saved her when he stumbled into the dungeon, and that’s the start of the plot itself.
But of course, the thing with Mato Seihei No Slave is that it follows a well-known pattern. Sure, Kyouka is the ultimate best girl for Yuuki in terms of plot relevance. But that doesn’t mean that Yuuki Wakura doesn’t have a plethora of other girls that will inevitably fall in love with him because he’s the protagonist. So today, let’s discuss how our Kyouka beats the odds to be Yuuki’s one-and-only, in another round of Lore Analysis!
Table of Contents
Mato Sehei No Slave: The Romance Options Are…Aggressive?

I mean, how do you even discuss healthy relationship dynamics and interesting partners when the setting is literally fantasy slave ownership? I wish I was kidding, but it’s right there in the title. Okay but to backtrack, Yuuki is our protagonist who walks through a portal that opens up in Japan, which leads to a dungeon. In that dungeon was Kyouka, and he saved her. So, she tied him to herself through powers and brought him back to the Anti-Demon Corps.
And from there, well, it’s basically the same thing we see in most of these styles of Isekai series. The male character is adored by all the women, moreso in this case because apparently, the world of Maho Sehei No Slave is more matriarchal in nature. Considering that no male can join the Anti-Demon Corps, it leaves Yuuki with so many potential love interests.
However, said love interests are a lot, to say the least. In this world, men are seen as horribly inferior to women and they are treated as so. Girls like Himari Azuma start off as pretty antagonistic towards Yuuki, but slowly warms up to him. And then there is Shushu Suruga, who uses her banter and teasing ways to hide her feelings from Yuuki, but still isn’t afraid to face great danger to keep him protected.
It’s predictable, albeit weird. But then, what do you expect from a series like this?
Why Yuuki Will End Up With Kyouka

Even in a Harem anime, there is always an OTP (One True Pairing) with the first girl, as I like to call it. In this case, that girl is Kyouka Uzen, who uses her Peach Blessing to ensnare Yuuki as her slave. But as her slave, Yuuki gets certain rewards that are not really SFW? But between that and the general attitude towards men in Mato, there is a lot going on.
So, Kyouka and Yuuki already have a relationship going on. Sort of. See, the thing with Kyouka is that she’s like an exaggerated case of the Tsundere we’ve seen before. She ‘hates’ Yuuki because of the dynamic between them, which leads to Kyouksa having to do some unsavory acts with him. And so, she degrades him on the daily, reducing him to a dog she has to reward for his actions.
But as it always goes, Kyouka’s ice-cold demeanor does start to thaw around Yuuki’s caring nature. Yuuki feels like she’s the reason he is now a Hero, instead of being some forgotten casualty in the Dungeon. He also trusts Kyouka immensely, taking orders from her without question, even in battle. Yuuki shows a blind devotion to her as well, which leads to an understanding between the two. He claims that no matter how cold and angry she acts, he will always serve by her side which, I guess that’s great?
I don’t know, man. Mato Sehei No Slave is such a weird anime in theory, with relationships that never feel quite consensual? But hey, at least Kyouka and Yuuki stans are eating good!
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